(blumea balsamifera linn DC) – Sambong is used as herbal medicine and is a shrub that grows wild in the tropical climate countries such as Philippines, India, Africa and found even in eastern Himalayas. Sambong is widely used in the Philippines as herbal medicine. Sambong leaves are known for its ngai or Blumea camphor that is used as herbal medicine to treat kidney stones, wounds and cuts, rheumatism, anti-diarrhea, anti-spasms, colds and coughs and hypertension.

• Sambong used as Anti-Cancer treatment.

• Sambong roots and leaves are used as herbal treatment for fevers, Sambong leaves and roots are pounded then dissolved in cold water. Applied with a soft cloth over the nape, forehead, underarms and other body parts to bring down the body temperature.

• Sambong roots and leaves are also used as herbal medicine treatment for rheumatism. Sambong roots and leaves are pounded and applied as poultice on the affected body part. Sambong roots and leaves may also be boiled and are applied as warm compress onto affected area.

• Sambong is also used to treat headache, sambong leaves are pounded and applied   as a poultice over the forehead.

• Sambong tea are also used as herbal medicine for colds and coughs.

• Sambong tea are also used for herbal treatment of diarrhea and stomach spasms.

• Sambong juice are also used for treatment of cuts and wounds.


(adnropogon citrates DC) it is called in the Philippines, is a tall perennial grass that is widely used in Asian cuisine. Its subtle citrus flavor makes it a favorite ingredient in a wide variety of food preparation like soups and curries. It goes well with poultry, fish, beef and seafood. Some countries also used it as a tea. IN addition to its flavor and aroma enchanting properties, lemon grass also promotes good health. Lemongrass tea contains antioxidant compounds that can help protect your cells from damage by free radicals.

Helps prevent osteoporosis – Did you know that the trace mineral manganese is necessary for bone health? Study participants among postmenopausal women have shown that those who take a combination of calcium, zinc, copper and manganese have lesser spinal bone loss compared to those who didn’t.

Prevents Post Mensrual Syndrome (PMS) – Clinical studies among women suggest that an increased supply of manganese in their diets have resulted in fewer mood swings and cramps. Just one half cup of lemon grass can already supply almost 100% of the daily value (DV) of manganese.

Helps fight arthritis – Manganese may also be beneficial in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. If taken along with glucosamine and chondroitin, some people have noticed lowered pain, although some find it to be ineffective.

Prevents anemia -Lemon grass is a very good source of iron, a mineral which helps prevent iron-deficiency anemia. If you notice frequent fatigue, weakness, and decreased ability to concentrate, add more lemon grass in your daily diet or increase your natural iron intake by eating more leafy greens and other iron-rich vegetables.

Helps prevent cough and colds – Another sign that you may need to up your iron supply is when you easily catch coughs and colds. Iron helps strengthen the immune system.

Helps regulate blood pressure levels – Add your natural daily dose of potassium by making sure you have lemon grass readily available when cooking. Potassium has long been proven for its blood pressure-lowering effects.

Avocados, guavas, bananas and kiwifruits are some of the richest sources among fruits.

Prevents leg cramps – One cup of lemon grass is packed with half of the potassium in bananas. Potassium is also an electrolyte which relaxes muscles to prevent leg cramps.

Supports fertility – Lemon grass is beneficial for both men and women in their childbearing years though its supply of folate. This B vitamin (Vitamin B9) aids in spermatogenesis in men and implantation and placentation in women.

Prevents birth problems of the brain and spine – Folate also helps protect against serious congenital problems for the developing baby especially neural tube defects and spina bifida.

Lowers risk of cardiovascular disease – What makes lemon grass heart friendly? Increased folate supply in the body has continually been suggested to lower risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing homocysteine buildup in the blood.


Is a good source of phosphorus Iron and fair source of calcium. It is used as flatulence and heals dyspepsia. Help relives arthritis pain and inflammation. It has a carminative effect and prevents gas forming in the intestine and also assists in expelling it .It helps relieves hyper acidity, flatulence and is good in preventing ulcers,. It promotes the well being of the liver and aids in digestion process, therefore it protects the liver. It strengthens the nervous system and has anti-cancer property.


Used as expectorant and relieves coughing and has a diuretic effect. It relieves sore throat. Helps also in controlling and regulating the female reproductive system,

regulates monthly periods and treat amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea and helps ease menopausal problems and an aid on the birth process including hemorrhage following childbirth and also to assist with the passing of after birth. Promotes the flow milk and protects the female reproductive organs by regulating female hormone.


Staff from the Center for Holistic Health Care and from Dialogue with Creation organized  an activity for the farmers at Sitio Bagacay in making preparations  from identified plant sources.

Fourteen participants came for the training. Six raw materials – turmeric, tawa-tawa, oregano, sambong, lagundi, and blue ginger – were used for the preparations. The trainees produced 22 bamboo containers of the preparations which became the materials for the next stage after 10 days.

10 days after the original processing, 16 members came together again to work on  the output from the first stage of the

work. Of the six plant materials processed, turmeric gave the most extract. Turmeric is claimed to strengthen the immune system and is said to have curative properties for many illnesses.

From the 22 bamboo containers of the various plant sources, 40 bottles of extracts were produced

The Escuela de Siembradores was the venue of another activity organized by the staff of the CHHC in the persons of Elizabeth Solis, Luchie Andajao, Zsabrina Isa Julaili with the assistance of Helen Casas from the DWC program..

25 participants were given basic lessons on the human body systems and the diseases and disorders associated with each system.   The purpose of the lesson was to give the participants a sharper understanding of the human body, correct practices that are based on myths and inform them of normal functions and aberrations that might be manifested. With a better understanding of the dynamics of illness the participants can more readily refer to health care professionals-those in the community who experience ill health.

The Center for Holistic Health Care in collaboration with the Dialogue with Creation program promotes wellness among the residents of the barangays in the area of Baluno. These remedies can be simple preparations that can be done at home using plants and herbs available right there in the village

Some village residents who have participated in training for the preparation of herbal extracts and the like share their stories.



Banaba is also knows as: Agaro, Mitla, Bugarom, Nabulong, Pamalauagon, Duguam, Pamarauagon, Kauilan, Parasabukung, Makablos, Tabangau, Tauagnau.

Banaba tea is an extract made from the plant’s leaves. It has blood-sugar lowering activity and is traditionally used in some countries to treat diabetes as well as in weight reduction programs. It also fights urinary tract infection and is good for the liver. It is said that if you continue drinking this herbal tea, it causes weight loss without any side effects.


Guyabano fruits are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is very effective in preventing Urinary Tract Infection.

• Moreover, when it comes to digestive problems, it is also excellent in preventing constipation and other digestive conditions such as colon related diseases.

• It is also rich in potassium which is effective in relieving leg cramps and rheumatism. In fact, the potassium content of Guyabano is double that in banana.

• One of the best medicinal benefits of guyabano leaves is the boost of the body’s energy level.

• It is rich in Niacin which is essential in increasing the body’s good cholesterol level. This is essential to include in the diet for those who have high cholesterol level in their bodies.

• It is rich in Iron, essential in preventing blood related diseases such as anemia.

• Lastly, it is effective in curing acne, scars, inflammation and other common skin problems.


Curcuma is the scientific name of turmeric, commonly known as Asafran. Curcuma oil is a liniment composed of pure turmeric dust, ginger, coconut oil, chili pepper, and mint. It is a topical medication that can be applied to body surfaces such as the skin or mucous membranes to treat ailments via a large range of classes. Its main ingredient is the turmeric combined with other herbs and it has many good benefits.

It is a good source of phosphorus, iron and a fair source of calcium. It has a carminative effect and prevents gas forming in the intestines and also assists in expelling it. It helps relieve hyperacidity, and is good in preventing ulcers. It heals dyspepsia, helps to relieve arthritis pain and inflammation. It promotes the well being of the liver and aids in the digestion process. It strengthens the nervous system and has anti- cancer property. It also relieves sore throat, hoarseness of voice and controls nausea and vomiting. It is also rich in Vitamins A, C and B complex.