Guyabano fruits are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is very effective in preventing Urinary Tract Infection.

• Moreover, when it comes to digestive problems, it is also excellent in preventing constipation and other digestive conditions such as colon related diseases.

• It is also rich in potassium which is effective in relieving leg cramps and rheumatism. In fact, the potassium content of Guyabano is double that in banana.

• One of the best medicinal benefits of guyabano leaves is the boost of the body’s energy level.

• It is rich in Niacin which is essential in increasing the body’s good cholesterol level. This is essential to include in the diet for those who have high cholesterol level in their bodies.

• It is rich in Iron, essential in preventing blood related diseases such as anemia.

• Lastly, it is effective in curing acne, scars, inflammation and other common skin problems.