Staff from the Center for Holistic Health Care and from Dialogue with Creation organized  an activity for the farmers at Sitio Bagacay in making preparations  from identified plant sources.

Fourteen participants came for the training. Six raw materials – turmeric, tawa-tawa, oregano, sambong, lagundi, and blue ginger – were used for the preparations. The trainees produced 22 bamboo containers of the preparations which became the materials for the next stage after 10 days.

10 days after the original processing, 16 members came together again to work on  the output from the first stage of the

work. Of the six plant materials processed, turmeric gave the most extract. Turmeric is claimed to strengthen the immune system and is said to have curative properties for many illnesses.

From the 22 bamboo containers of the various plant sources, 40 bottles of extracts were produced

The Escuela de Siembradores was the venue of another activity organized by the staff of the CHHC in the persons of Elizabeth Solis, Luchie Andajao, Zsabrina Isa Julaili with the assistance of Helen Casas from the DWC program..

25 participants were given basic lessons on the human body systems and the diseases and disorders associated with each system.   The purpose of the lesson was to give the participants a sharper understanding of the human body, correct practices that are based on myths and inform them of normal functions and aberrations that might be manifested. With a better understanding of the dynamics of illness the participants can more readily refer to health care professionals-those in the community who experience ill health.

The Center for Holistic Health Care in collaboration with the Dialogue with Creation program promotes wellness among the residents of the barangays in the area of Baluno. These remedies can be simple preparations that can be done at home using plants and herbs available right there in the village

Some village residents who have participated in training for the preparation of herbal extracts and the like share their stories.