(moringa oleifera) – in mint flavor has been used as herbal medicine in many cultures for hundreds of years, Malunggay is known as a very nutritious plant where it is used to combat malnutrition in third world countries especially for infants and nursing mothers.
• Malunggay – Anti Cancer Malunggay or Moringa has been shown in studies to have an anti-tumor capacity.
• Malunggay – anti-inflammatory: Malunggay has been found to inhibit inflammation in a controlled scientific study conducted by Philippine DOST Scientists.
• The Malunggay is traditionally used to p
revent and treat inflammations Associated with rheumatism, arthritis and joint pains.
• Malunggay as food. Malunggay pods may be eaten raw or may also be fried with peanut similar taste. Malunggay leaves and flower may also be cooked together w
ith other vegetables and meat to form soups or viands.
• Malunggay decoction for washing sores and wounds, Boil malunggay roots and let it cool to tolerable warm temperature and use it to wash wounds and sores. By gargling the Malunggay decoction, it may also be us
ed to wash mouth sores and sore throats.
• Malunggay poultice. Grounded Malunggay seeds, leaves and bark may be applied topically as poultice onto swollen flesh to relieve inflammation.